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Town Information
Emergency Numbers
- Fire, Police, Medical: 911
- Suicide/ Crisis Hotline: 734-3456 (Herkimer Area)
- Poison Control Center: 1-800-252-5655
- NY State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS): 1-877-846-7369
Non-Emergency Numbers
- Fulton County Sheriff's Office, Non-Emergency: (518) 736-2100
- 911 Address Assignments- Fulton County Sheriff's Office: (518) 736-2100
- Forest Ranger, Rod Hamm: (518) 801-5610
- Stratford, NY Dog Warden, Karen Jaquay: 315-429-3091
- For DEC Emergencies- DEC Dispatch: (518) 897-1300
- Niagra Mohawk Power Corp- General Customer Service: 1-800-642-4272
- Verizon Telephone- Residential Customer Service: 1-800-712-6600
- Statford Volunteer Fire Department: (315) 429-3607 - FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL "911"